The polls are closed!

Today saw voting at The William Hogarth School open for children in Years 1-6 in the Our Generation, Our Vote, project that has been running for the last 2 weeks. Children voted on the 8 candidates that are asking for your votes in the Hammersmith and Chiswick constituency.
The children entered the polling station and gave their name to receive their ballot paper. Once they had voted they had to fold their paper and put it into the ballot box.
Early exit polls indicate that the Green Party and the Labour Party have done well, although official results will be shared nationally from all the young people that have taken part across England and Wales on Friday 28th June in the media. We look forward to the result.

Five of the parties put out 'Children's Manifestos' which our children read. Of course other parties were standing too. The manifestoes are here:

Children's Election Manifestos June 2024

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A Year 2 child said: ‘I feel that voting is important because it is essential to have your own voice heard’ and another said: ‘It was interesting and fascinating to participate in the voting. Now I have an understanding of what it is like to vote.’