The William Hogarth School Board of Governors
The main tasks of the Governing Body are to ensure pupils receive high quality education, to plan for future development and improvement, and to support the school.
Our Governing Body is made up of community governors, LEA governors and elected parent and staff governors. The Parent Governors are elected by other parents and serve as Governors for a period of 4 years. Parent governors are valued members of the Governing Body team and play a vital role as representative parents. The full Governing Body meets six times a year with three of those meetings forming part of Governor days focused on school improvement. Further information on the Governing Body's approach and on the content of the Governor days is in the document Governing Body Single Structure' please see link above.
Who we are
- Avril Stockley - Head Teacher Governor
- Richard Laux - Co - Chair of Governors / LA
- Pierre Kremer - Co - Chair of Governors / Parent Governor
- Christian Cox- Staff Governor
- Yasmeen Cappucini - Parent Governor
- David Andrews - Co-opted Governor
The Minutes of Governing Body Meetings are available from the school office on request (other than confidential items). If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors please send all correspondence to the school address marked FAO: Mr. Richard Laux and Mr Pierre Kramer
Diversity statement
The William Hogarth School is committed to having an active Board of Governors that is diverse and inclusive and reflects the community we serve. Where we have a vacancy we will actively seek volunteers from that community, although in the case of both Staff and Parent Governors, in the event of multiple applicants, they are elected by a democratic vote of the Staff or Parent body as applicable.
We are currently have a vacancy and are seeking a Parent Governor.
Governing Body Attendance Record
Governing Body Single Structure
Governing Body and Panels Term of Reference and Scheme of Delegation
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