Following the excellent results last year, we are proud to show the continued achievements against the national average of our children who left in July 2024.

NB: Combined is children who have achieved these results across Reading Writing and Maths. SPaG or GPS is Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.


Percentage of those reaching expected standard vs national average



Following the excellent results last year, we are proud to show the continued achievements against the national average of our children who left in July 2023.

NB: Combined is children who have achieved these results across Reading Writing and Maths. SPaG or GPS is Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.


Percentage of those reaching expected standard vs national average


Percentage of those reaching greater depth standard vs national average


Progress from KS1 to KS2

  Reading  Writing Maths
The William Hogarth School +1.4 +3.9 +0.4
National 0 0 0
Performance Above average Significantly above average  


Average scaled scores

  Reading Maths SPaG
The William Hogarth School 108 106 109
National 105 104 105


Congratulations to the children who left us in July 2022 and a huge well done to the teachers who helped them achieve these results.

here is a summary of their results

This data can be provided as a hard copy or digital file if required. Please contact the office.

For comparative data between schools in the area, visit the Department for Education Website at: compare-school performance

Please note that no new data has been uploaded by the Department for Education since 2019 so this link will not show the current picture that we are displaying above.